Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Can you find a way
Can you find a way to love me
Or am I too far
Am I too far away
From what you want

I tried being honest
But no one gets honest
You said, "If I wanted vanilla I'd just
Buy the ice cream."
That must be your way of saying no.

Can you find a way
Can you find a way to humour me
Or am I just
Am I just not your type
You don't even want to be friends

I tried leaving messages
But you don't read messages
Of course, when you say frog
There I am leaping
That is your way of saying yes

Why am I
Why am I struggling to understand
To understand
I was just there for a moment
Then cast aside, forgotten

How are you
How are you able to
Able to
In my mind, for this moment
Cast aside, the idea now rotten

Like me, yes
Until something new came along

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